
My goal with this page is to share with you the sort of things I am reading, doing, and experimenting with in order to keep growing as a person, business person, and so much more.  If you have found a great book, podcast, or website you think I can benefit from then please by all means share so I can pass it on here!


The Journey Beyond Fear: Leverage the Three Pillars of Positivity to Build Your Success – by having a clear narrative for your life, a passion for what you do, and leveraging the help of others it is a path to reducing fear about your business and personal life. This book helped me to tweak my life’s purpose and mission to a faster pace by reducing the barrier of fear.




Off-Balance On Purpose! (Dan Thurmon) – In Off Balance On Purpose, Dan frees readers from the “balance” dilemma and empowers them to adopt a new approach to creating a happy, fulfilling life: embrace reality, get aligned with your purpose, lean forward, and initiate positive changes. These steps will give readers the knowledge, strength, and motivation to accept and take advantage of the contradictions in our daily lives; integrate the five vital areas of life – work, relationships, health, spiritual growth, and personal interests – into a workable pattern, with strong, fluid connections between the areas; and adopt a practical, concrete process for orchestrating changes and staying aligned with one’s purpose. I have to say this book really gave me tangible ways I can increase all five areas and live my purpose for the rest of my days.



  • The Marketing Made Great Podcast –