Are Life’s Delays Good or Bad?

by | June 17, 2022

Sometimes we’re not that good with time. We either have too much time or not enough depending on any given day or the project we are trying to get done.

Many times we have no control over the delays due to money, circumstances, our attitude, and our belief systems.

We look at those delays as part of life or we have no understanding as to why it is happening to us. I also hear that God is not answering my prayers like I expected or at all. I heard a sermon on Sunday many years ago that said God answers prayer in four ways.

  • Yes is Yes
  • No is No
  • Slow – Slow down and be patient. God reminds us that he has this and it will happen in His timing, not mine.
  • Grow – You need to grow and gain the tools, temperament, and experience to make your dreams come true before I move your prayer forward.

I think we all have to realize to everyone is driven by faith or fear – one or the other – for both are the same. Faith or fear is the expression of an event that hasn’t come to pass or the belief in something that can’t be seen or touched. A person of fear lives always on the edge of insanity. A person of faith lives in perpetual reward.

Remember my life is an exact reflection of the being I am. I am where my attention is. I am committed to the outcome I want as well as responsible for that outcome.  I must see things as I want them to be not as they are now. Who am I being?  I am going to become exactly what my identity says I will become regardless of what I read or listen to!!

You got this! The delay may be only temporary so actively engage in the pursuit of the dream you are praying will happen!


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