General Articles

Guide For Taking Advise

Guide For Taking Advise

Whenever you do in life there seem to be critics everywhere. Friends and family are the worse critics in the world of what you are doing. They have an opinion of how they would do what you are doing because in their mind they can do it better!...

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Are You Nice Or Are You Kind?

Are You Nice Or Are You Kind?

We can define often times define a person by how nice a person is. We are drawn to these people because they are easy to get to know and easy to get along with. So are you nice or kind to other people? Let me explain what I mean. In life we see it...

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30 Best Free SEO Tools You Should Be Using

30 Best Free SEO Tools You Should Be Using

Are you looking for ways to improve your small business website? Want to find the best tools that can help with your SEO strategy? Just Words share its recommended SEO tools in this infographic. They break things down as follows: Keyword tools...

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Are You Chasing Your Hero?

Are You Chasing Your Hero?

Growing up I had my own heroes that I wanted to be just like. They were people like Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, and recently Elon Musk.  Let me be clear, I do not agree with everything they have done or what they necessarily believe but you can't...

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